The quieter you become -

the more you can hear!

Center for:

Stillness, Nature, Connections, Calmness, Mindfullness, Health, Environment, Wellness

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could find your inner stillness and feel in close contact with nature and your true authentic self?

What if you could achieve a deep and mutual

beneficial relationship with animals?

How would it feel to be in balance with your health,

your environment and yourself?

What if this is easier and faster to

achieve than you might think?

Some positive changes in life will take time to achieve - some are long-term commitments and requires in-depth study of the knowledge behind.

If you’ve been struggling with poor health, stress, lack of energy, feeling disconnected, anxiety, or depression, or maybe you are just feeling that something is missing in your life - true calmness and happiness might sound like something from a fairytale. But I can assure you that it is within reach and it doesn't necessarily need to be very complicated or hard to achive. This is something that you can accomplish in your own life with relatively easy techniques and tasks.

Norwegian Woods Toolbox

As you make the remarkable journey that is your life, you develop talents, skills, abilities, individuality, and strategies. These become the tools you put in your personal and professional toolbox. As the events of your life unfold, when you need a particular tool or tools, you reach in and pull out the one that will work for you.

But what if you don't have the tools you need?

Or maybe you tools are old or worn out and doesn't really do the job? Or maybe you just don't know how to use your tools proparly? Or maybe you are just looking for additional and more efficient tools? 

Norwegian Woods Toolbox presents self-management and motivational approaches and strategies for maximizing your potential for achieving meaningful success in various parts in life.

The Norwegian Woods Toolbox provides resources on a variety of topics. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and resources you need when you need them. You can choose your topic that will benefit you the most right now. And to go straight to the core of the knowledge and the know-how of well proven tecniques. This will save you a lot of time and money because you don't need to spend months or even years in classes, workshops or different schools to avhieveing this knowledge. 

The Norwegian Toolbox goes straight to the core of some of the best techniques in various areas in life.