It all begins and ends with stillness!

How does nature help anchor you to the moment and connect you to your own inner stillness? 

What is true stillness?

Stillness is a state of mental and emotional balance and calm, free of worries, fears or stress. In this state, the mind is quiet, and you experience a gentle sense of happiness and freedom. Such peaceful moments does not need to be as rare as you may think.

If you have the opportunity today to glance out the window or perhaps even during your walk to your car at the end of the work day...

Bring your awareness to the stillness of nature.

Mindfully take in the experience. However you wish to be with this moment in nature, simply witness it, take it in through your senses and without judgment, be with any feelings that it evokes in you. 

Often we forget to notice this naturally existing expression of presence that is always available to us to help us deepen our mindfulness practice and our connection to the here and now. 

Today, let nature remind you of what it feels like to be present - let it guide you in reconnecting to the inherent stillness that exists in you.

Practising stillness of nature - and the nature of stillness - will give you true peace of mind and a true connection to your authentic and natural self!

Allow Nature to Teach You Stillness“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.” 

- Eckhart Tolle -

The Wandering Mind

Unfortunately, the human is seldom quiet. Psychologists have said that people generate about three hundred self-talk thoughts a minute.

Two Harvard researchers, Matthew A. Killingsworth and Daniel T. Gilbert, in 2010 discovered that 47 percent of the time adults think about something other than what they’re doing. When the mind wanders away from the present moment, you cannot expect to feel the deep connection and rapport you desires with other people, animals, or with nature.

Embrace stillness, and you can reclaim your peace of mind!